Did we say the traffic was on? Masequito Jr about to filet somebody in this snap. Be careful guys!!!
Lefts and rights were super fun, but definitely the lefts were working better. How about Norwin El Chulin Estrella pulling into one of the better sets of the day.
El Corage Hernandez was doing his thing on his huge super panga. Here he is going big with a sick hang five.
There were some pretty nice waves coming in at Machete Pt but nobody was out there. Nice looking left, rolling in by itself!
A couple of girls paddled out to the lineup and they were charging. Check out this beginner picking up a nice little nugget on her frontside.
But the show belonged to Dunia La Pinolera Burgos, charging on some of the better and bigger sets we had rolling in. Here she is caught, working on her backside.
The traffic was pretty tough in the inside section. Felipe about to land on somebody’s head. Ayyyyyyyyyy!!!
One last shot for today’s report. El Pipe Chompipe ripping on his backside. We are supposed to have some swell for the rest of the week, actually it is supposed to build through.
Hi everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell held steady through today with a fun window all morning and at sunset.
Hi and welcome to our daily surf report. We are the NSR Family bringing you some of the action we had at the beach this afternoon. The waves were kind of fun, running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds and the water was chilly. Check out the lineup!!!
Hi fellas, this is Lucha Libre one more time, bringing you the Saturday surf report straight to your computers. The waves were still small today but we had many fun ones to be taken. It was running about knee to waist high with some sporadic chest high waves on sets and the wind was nice..