The waves were a little messy but there are a left breaking in the same spot with a heavy barrel. The currents for the last day is making more sick this corner.

Parker put into some tubes in the morning session. Check it out.

And he have witnesses for make sure everybody see his tubes. Yeah buddy.

Here is Parker in the right. He was deep in this one, eh!!!. You don’t think so!!!.

Here is Stephanie Kerson throwing some spray to the sky. She was nominated to the biggest woman wipeout for this year in the surf awards.

The waves keep overhead. The onshore wind will keep affecting until friday, so to surf in the morning is the best decision.

This left was working for about two hours. I don’t see any board broken, but this left was able to break wherever board to be in the way.

We have some rights in this peak, but the wall was more pronounced and have the tendency of close. Some surfer were going for a little bit in the closing out waves.

The small waves to come to the short break were better. Here is one of the small waves with a good size and shape.

This right was also good for some turns. The water was glassing for the few hours in the morning, the onshore wind come around nine AM.

Here is a visitor dragging his arm in the wall of this wave for be in the barrel. This left was like a cylinder, open like a ” C “.

I saw couple tiny waves rolling in this peak close to the beach and those waves were holding the shape. The waves look messy, but in the end of the morning we can say was super fun, because a lot of surfer get some good waves.

If the onshore wind don’t come probably this is who will looks the waves all day. Well, this is the day number seven with onshore wind this year.

There are some rippers out there. Check the biggest spray during the morning session.

And here is the only late back. This young surfers are kinda profesional, so they was showing some good surf skill for the audience.

Huuuuuu!!!!. This wave was ending spitting. Was small, but was breaking shallow.

Huuuuuuuu!!!!. Check the skin of that wave. So smooth.

This is how looks this left from this angle. The take off was fast, but after take the line was easy to get out.

Like is doing this man in this wave. Check how beautiful looks the color of the water.

Here is the size of a wave from the set. This swell was bringing a lot of water with the tide, the waves were traveling slowly, but with a lot of water during the sets.

Check the ADN of this beach…We have just a couple weeks with this wind conditions. The winter season is here, so we are waiting for the onshore wind go away and have again our offshore wind.

Normally the day after the big day of the swell are nice and better. This swell is going away, so the next days could be better at this. Is possible!!!.

Well, some people probably will say, today was ugly with closing out waves, but other people like this surfer have another history. What do you think gonna say this man?.

Stefhany Kerson was killing this left, she have good surf style going in front side. I think today is her last day in Nica Land, so good bye.

Ok. Eveyboddy is good if you surf in the morning and go fishing in the afternoon. There are Marlins, Mahi Mahi and Sailfish right now a mile outside, so organise a boat trip and go to have fun. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi there, this is Lucha Libre Garcia with a quick post from down south. The waves were super fun and there were definitely some nice bombas rolling in and the crowd was super light. Check it out!!!

Sweet Water Fund and HighPlace are collaborating on two art shows/fundraisers that will take place Thursday, May 15th and Friday 16th. The funds raised will benefit Las Poderosas (The powerful females) an all girls sports and wellness program started by The Highplace Foundation with the intent of clearing the path for young girls with dreams..