As every year The NSR Surf School help these guys out to have an amazing last day of every year. This time Oliver, Carlitos, Gretchen, Miguel, Luis “La Baloy” and Lucha Libre were there to make this happen. More than 60 kids came on to the beach and they were more than happy with the day they had. Look forward to see how it was.

Here is Jaimito, a 7 year old kid killing it with a sweet style. First time on a surfboard and he was charging.

Everyone of them were more stoked, riding waves all over the place. It was so nice to see all those kids loving to be out there. It is a great feeling!

The water was a little chilly, but that didn’t stop these kids of having fun. I guess this one got a nice closed out shot.

Meanwhile the little kids were killing out there, the big guys were also having fun on the beach. This is how this guy kept warm this morning.

They all wanted to get on the boards at the same time, because they were super excited with their surfing day. That’s Oliver in the middle, doing his thing as always.

After a couple hours in the water, everything was so easy. Don’t you believe us? Check out this shot and make your own call.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi everybody, this is the NSR family bringing you the last surf report for this year, hoping you guys can stay tuned with us in the upcoming year. Today we had the last surf lesson for the 2009 with a really nice crew. We had some pumping swell in the water, the wind was howling..