Augusto Chamorro was killing it again. Here he is going big.
Gerardo EL MOPE Miranda was out too. It was like a tournament today, everybody was surfing and getting so much fun.
We have some chicks on the beach too. Do you need help?
Here is Coki getting into a nice but small barrel. Hey Coki Where is your chick?
The brothers Chamorro were out. I am talking about Augusto and Pancho. Here is Pancho with a nice spray. Where is LA BALOY?
This is EL TUZO, I don’t remenber his name. I just remenber his nickname. You know everybody in town have a nickname.
Augusto again, now getting into a nice shack. He made it out but It is a long sequence to post. Here is the best shot.
Today I found a chick who likes to hold the b…s.
This is Juan Carlos from Ometepe Island. I think this guy is ready to participate for the next tournament.
Here is Condorito getting some air with a 360’s. Keep working mae.
Merry Christmas everyone! Josh back behind the lens for the next few days. This evening’s surf report is coming your way from Panga Drops. Today definitely had its moments, but the windows were difficult to hit.