We started the day with the longboard finals and Armando

After the longboard finals we had the open semifinals with a very closed out heat: Rex Calderon, Augusto Chamorro, Denis Nu

Then, we had the International finals with Chriss Conner, Gustavo Noguera, Denis Nu

Jamil Amador was trying to get a good place in this contest, but he just get a good shot on NSR. You did a good job dude.

Are you ready for the Open Finals? From left to right we have: Augusto


But Augusto

The big surprise of the day was: Yeahhh Larry

Yeaa…h Luis

At the end we ruffle a brand new shortboard and Oliver Solid was the lucky guy. Hey Oliver wait a minute that’s not included.

That’s it for this contest, we want to say thanks to all the sponsors and let you know the next date will be at Santana Beach on May. Here is El Terrible with the last shot of the contest, please stay tuned with us.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.