Today we want to give an special shoot out to Pancho’s family. This is the first time they are down in Nicargua and we want to keep the moment for ever. Pancho is so happy because he has his mother Nancy and his father Ernie down here enjoying the good life in Nicaragua. Here is Pancho posing for the camera enjoying on the beach with his family.

Last night I took the camara out because we had the music fest on and a lot of people from different place came down to enjoy the big party. Here is a shot with the scene last night.

Yesterday the music fest started around 5:00 pm with live music all night long. There were a lot of bands from Nicaragua playing different kinds of music that made the people dance and sing until 3:00 am in the morning.

Last night I’ve been around two hours with the camara out and I met a tons of people. Here we have Euclides having so much fun with his friends.

Also Baldo having a great time with his lovely wife Sarita together. Here they are possing for the camara.

Today I made it out on the beach before dark, There were a couple guys out there. Here we have Jamil “El Coky” Brox getting in a nice barrel.

There were a couple of cute ladies having a good time on the beach and enjoying a great sunday down here in Nicaragua.

This is David from California smacking on the lip. This guy was so much fun out there catching a some good ones.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.