This is the little Leo fried riding a smooth wave and enjoying his second surf lesson with the NSR Surf School. Leo was really excited taking several waves and happy to do it again with us.
Lilly is only 16 years old and she was charging all day long. Here we have a shot of her with a solid stand up all the way in to the beach on this wave.
We want to continue with the NSR interviews. We would like to give a special shout out to our good friend Gregorio “El Goyo” Chocoyo Pocoyo Meyoyo. He has been coming down to Nicaragua the last three years and this time he’s spending almost two months. He loves to share the waves with the locals and eat the rice and beans with mashed eggs and yucca. His favorite drinks are the smoothies and tequila nica “Ron Plata”. He is from Canada and he likes to surf at Playa Maderas when is firing.
For the last shot of the day we want to introduce the new NSR Shoes that Lucha Libre used during the last league in town. Lucha is thinking about to donate these pair to Come Pan and maybe he can win the championship next season. We want you to know that they are available now and you can get them anytime you want. Please check back tomorrow.
Welcome to the surf report for today. This is Jairo “Come Pan” reporting out here at Maderas. It’s about chest to shoulder high on sets and the wind is strong offshore. Check it out.