The NSR Crew is getting together again. Everyone is flying in and go straight to the beach. Our very own D-lite just got back last night and today paddled out to get wet. Here he is giving us a little bit of the nica feeling. Nice slash dude!

This year has been pretty weird because we normally have these kinds of pattern in October but we never know. It’s been raining a lot lately, even when I took these photos it was raining a little bit, and that’s why the light is so bad. We still had a couple guys on the beach having a good time!!!

This is Mitch from Costa Rica ripping on his knee board. He used to be a good surfer but he had an accident a couple years ago so that’s why now he gotta use that little board and surf on his knees.

Sometimes you get frustrated when it so hard to catch some waves. The clue of this sport is to keep going never give up folks. Come on dude, your big dog is going to get angry and it might bite you. Watch out!!!

Pancho Sanchez was able to paddle out as well. He’s so stoked to be back in town, even if he has to surf some soft waves. Here he is doing the best to have fun on this left. It is always good to be back, uh!!!

On the last shot of the day we have Jeff trying to get some speed and make this right all the way in to the beach. We hope to have better conditions tomorrow so make sure to check us back out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Last night record numbers of voters came out in force to paint our nation Blue! When it was over, Barack Obama was announced as our new President Elect by an overwhelming majority. It seems our nation is finally ready for a change. Here at NSR, we are not only hopeful for a new direction for..

Today we headed out to Maderas and we found some fun and good waves, but it was too crowded. It’s head high to over head on sets and the wind was perfect offshore. Check out the lineup, we hope you like the report for today!!!

November 5th, Election Day in Nicaragua. We still don’t know the results – but we do know that there was a strong turnout at the polls (over 75,000 locations nation-wide) and all the candidates are claiming strong support. The first results should come in around Midnight, so we’ll try to send out an update as..