A few local rippers were out, doing their things on the small waves. This is Carlitos blasting fins out with a sick aerail maneuver.
We stayed at this spot for a little while but we decided to check another spot. We have Snidder on the last shot from PC! Nice sized wave, uh!
We changed locations right before dark and we are stoked to have done it. This is a little bit of what we found!
The new swell was filling in right before dark and as we can see it turned out pretty fun. It is January 2012 and it is fun one more time!
Codo and I took a ride with Carlitos Calientes to this spot and as soon as we got there they paddled out. Carlitos setting up for the small but sweet green room.
The waves were also super fun at second peak. Check out these two guys splitting a nice peak!
A couple of locals jumped out in the water and they scored right away. Local knowledge, showing us how is done. Dale Darwin!!!
Our very own Pancho Sanchez knows this spot very well too, and today he had a blast on it. Check him out going over the top on this left, about to throw the lip off the back.
Codo Lopez picked up some nice sized sets at second peak. Way to go Codito or Koquito?
Quite a few international guys were getting deep into some sections. Check out this unknown surfer pulling in deep on his backside. Nice looking angle, uh. Not easy to shot from!
We want to give an special shout out to our good friend Colby. He’s been coming down for a couple of years now and I do not blame him. Welcome down my friend!!!
Tony Mameluco El Tuco Longobuco was part of the small crew we had, having fun at first peak. Here he is getting deep in the flats on his bottom trun!
Carlitos Calientes was showing us a little bit of his aerial skills this afternoon. I bet his back is not hurting anymore. Dale Carlitos!!!
Pancho Sanchez is caught here on the last action shot of the day. Enjoying the sick backlight we had on this peeler!
Howdy everyone! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves surprised to the upside today. It was slightly larger than I was expecting, and there were hour plus long windows where the wind dropped out.
Hi and welcome to our daily surf report. We are the NSR Family bringing you some of the action we had at the beach this morning. The waves were kind of fun, running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds and the water was warm. Check it out!!!