A-frames up and down the beach yet again today. One of the many sweet gems that came through today.

A lot of surfers in town early this year, there were about 4 or 5 cars that pulled up to this spot today. I don’t blame them for wanting to surf here, the waves were lining up so perfect, allowing to throw down sick turns like this.

The waves were mellow here but still enough juice to satisfy the average wave hungry surfer.

Empty rights reeling off in the distance while the local groms are frothing in the river mouth.

There were a few clean peeling lefts among the dredging rights.

Anyone need a postcard to send home?

Local shredder Yader, with a nice backside floater.

The “Guru” made an appearance this morning and was putting on show, before hiding underneath the curtain.

Plenty of waves coming in all morning, with more people showing up, there was a peak for everyone so the crowd was pretty mellow.

Well now that you’re all drooling, time to say goodbye. Swell is on the rise throughout the week so wax up your go to board and get ready. Until then, hasta manana amigos!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hi folks, today I made it up north to meet a couple of friends I met last year and I am going to spend a couple of days with them during this week. The waves were kinda fun, running about chest to head high on sets with some occasional over head sets here and there,..

The wind didn’t cooperate either this morning. There was some size on sets but the winds unfortunately were onshore. It was running about chest to head high on sets and the crowd was super light. Check it out!!!

Hi folks, this is Miguel bringing you all the action for this Thursday surf report. Today we went to the beach at noon, we had a few people out there trying to ride some mushy waves. The waves were running about knee to waist high on sets with strong ONSHORE winds because we are feeling..