When I saw this rightbreak,I wanted tojumpto where I wastaking photosandgo running tosurf.
At this timehardly anyonewas in the line upandthe leftbegan to improve.I sawsome wavesspitting.
Some waveswere over head.Herewe see howsolidthe wave was.
A group of guys from Atlantic citywereready to the partytrying to getsomething.
Huuu….thiswasa perfect wave.Looklike this guyhad to holdthe railofhis board.
If you want tolearn to beinside the tube,Nicaraguashows you how manyopportunities you have totry.This guy knowswhat I’m talking.
Ihadforgotten howas seena good wave after a week of onshore wind.These guyswere lucky tocameon a good day.Manypeople leftbecause there were nowavesand today waslike a normal dayinNicaragua.
I thinkthere wasanyone in thisright. Hopefully tomorrowkeep breaking for the people do dawn patrol.Ok.thiswasArmandoLopezto the report, see you tomorrowwaiting for the windto remain stable.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Hola everyone! Brian here, bringing you the action from the beach this Saturday. Well we had some big waves today, and some crazy currents making for some interesting conditions out in the water. The morning started out with some head high to overhead barrels and with the tide some bigger sets came through as the..