Not manypeople in the water,justsome localsand fewvisitorsandmany wavesfor both.
TonyZboughta surfboardof the future and says it’sgreat.Hopefully oneswellthetest.
Boogieboardjoined theaction.That wavelooks like twofeetover head.
Therights werevery consistentand goodbarrels.Octobercontinues to givegood waves.
Lesterin the tubesis betterthanmaking cuts.Sometimesfallsafter cuttingthe wavebut mostalways comes outof the pipes.
Simonhas enoughexperience living inNicaraguaandsurfingevery daythat getstubesevery day.
OK.friends.No doubtthe rights werebetter.Hopefullytheconditions will continuegood andour friendLUCHA LIBREbring the actionof tomorrow. Codo Lopez is out.
Hey amigos! Josh here behind the lens for the foreseeable future. Today’s report is coming from Panga Drops. The waves were pretty small again today, but just big enough for a few people to rip.
Hola amigos, El Codo Lopez took the camera out for a little while today, just to let you know how sick the ocean was. Yes friends, more of the same today, strong onshore winds, rain and hardly somebody out. Check it out!!!