Scott was getting some nice ones, all by himself far down the beach. Styling on his bottom turn!

Fun little sections to shred all over the place. This guy didn’t want to miss any of the action and he took his go-pro out

Big Snider paddled out on his huge panga and he was catching lots of fun ones. Looking clean out there, isn’t it?

Jaimito Silver Head was ripping all day long. Backhand ride, about to throw the lip off the back.

We did have some nice jewels to take out there, but some of the better ones got blew up. Check out this little sequence!

Shot 2, about to eat it!

And this is what he missed. What a shame!

Sick sections to get slotted. Here is caught this unknown rider getting locked!

Some nice right handers to get shacked as well. Mr Mustaches, getting his bigotes wet.

The insiders were also super fun. How about this guy with a cool snap on his backside? Fins free!

That’s all for today folks. Please check back tomorrow!

This just in, Nicaragua will be hosting the last stop for the ALAS Latin Tour. This contest is gonna take place at Las Peñitas, Leon starting tomorrow. We got this shot sent by Oliver EL Monito Solis, our new I-Phone photograper. Everything is getting ready, stop by if you are close because it will be fun.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Goodmorning everyone! Brian here, with another sick report here in beautiful Nicaragua. Up early again this morning and found super fun waves in the waist to chest high range and glassy early, with only a handful of surfers in the water. The winds started to pick up and get gusty again as the morning went..