The last two hours before the high tide was the best. A lot of waves no have surfer in the peak.

I think this guy was so happy to have this condition, he was dropping in every wave he had the opportunity. Doesn’t matter the wipeout, My impression is he like to charger were ever coming in from him. Just like my.

Here is again a little late. The waves here is a little faster compared with others places, so is normal see people need a day for can get the perfect timing.

This is the best set of today. This wave make a couple guys sweat. I call 7 foot wave and the forecast say fair to good.

The only local in the water “La Bruja” was the rider of this bull. He represent home.

Some time this happen. Nice waves without riders.

The medium size waves were fun too and couple guys were enjoying the lines.

The inside had a little barrel, nice and friendly. Hiiiiuuuuuu just for play.

Ok mis amigos. Armando Lopez is going to try to catch some waves before sunset, so see you tomorrow when my good friend “Lucha Libre” bring the action for you.

Sunshine, Sunday Funday, and a surprise jump in swell size. A great way to round out the weekend. @tonyzphotos reporting.

First thing in the morning there were a few guys already out. Here is caught this unknoWn rider getting pitted into a sick left.

We’ve got Juancito with the Friday surf report from up north. The waves got smaller today but there were still many fun ones rolling in. It was running about chest to shoulder high on the bigger sets, the winds were nice offshore and the water was chilly. Check it out!!!

Thanks to everybody who participated in yesterday’s poll. 39% of you read the detailed itinerary and correctly guessed that Jeff Soderlind is our B-day boy today. I should note that Jake Gyllenhaal came in a close 2nd at 24% and Kristin Moss was third at 18%. Only a few of you thought that it was..