This is the real color of the water and watch this wave how it is the shape.
The locals are practicing for the surf contest in Maderas beach and here is Oscar one of the best surfing in the junior category.
Although you cannot believe, the surfer that goes into this wave is (Chocoyo). He had one of the longest waves, but in the end he don’t get out the door.
Actuallymany peoplemade it outof the tube.Thisis one of them.Look at thesequence.
It wasn’t the biggest wave, but knew how to do. Not like Chocoyo always falls before to get out. Ha ha ha.
Shot # 3. The courtine cover him.
# 4 Is in.If you look atthe wavehas thisform, it isa guaranteethatyou canget out.
After this one. He disappears. So tell the magician.
A little hut.
Huuuu.Thisis the part wherealmost everyonefalls.
He keep inside.
almost out.
applause. Eeeeee eeee. Men.You doalmostas I do.
Check this wave.
And now the trick.
Good hit in the lip of the wave.
Look like he almost fell.
But no.
Chocoyo!!!!!!I Finallypulled out atube.Todaywe celebratethat.
The lines were really long.
All day was with this kind of wave. September is on fire.
Many surfers went for barrels.
Somegot them.
Weremanytube.One ofthe best daysof the season.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Hi there, Lucha Libre is here with a quick update for your Tuesday report. The conditions were still the same today. strong onshore winds, small waves, and rain every now and then. Check it out!!!
Hola amigos, Brian here again with the report for Monday afternoon. Well the swell still hasn’t arrived yet but still some fun waves out there, waist to chest high and maybe a plus peak around. At least the winds were blowing harder offshore today giving the waves some good shape. I bet a lot of..