Mr. Jack is a key member of the early morning Horseshoe committee. Locked and loaded!
He rode this backside roller all the way to the beach and packed in multiple turns. Thanks to the higher period, everybody found fun long waves!
Russel is visiting us from North Carolina. Sometimes, we need to escape the library (especially the App State library) and log some hours in the water!
Andrew, from Pacific City Oregon, was killing it on our longboard! Our water and air are in the low eighties so he’s been loving it down here.
In other important news, I have an awesome boss who hooked it up yesterday! Bryan and I watched the Episode 7 premier at the Alhambra theater in Managua. Yes, he fulfilled my childhood dreams…
There’s something special about hearing the music start and seeing the letters roll across the big screen! If you’re a Star Wars fan, exit our surf report and go to the theaters!
Jonny, a Star Wars fan, has been learning the ways of the Jedi in the water. He’s logging more hours every day and pulling into more set waves.
Lesther showed up for a wave checked and we immediately saw this beauty. Because we are the best regular footers in all of Central America, we were drooling!
One instant later, El Buchon was on it! He snagged a right faster than a pelican can dive for a fish…
Meanwhile, Andrew was calm, composed, and styling! Those who wake up early reap the benefits, right Ricky?!?
And then another fast one came through. I knew it was about time to finish the report…
Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday morning’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very small today, but the morning window was favorable with the tide. Good for cruisin’!
Hello everybody after have a pachanga yesterday was hard to wake up early today, but was really good come to the beach and find this waves, super fun and with consistency. The water keep fresh and the wind is normal again. Check it out.