There are long lines going until the inside with tubes and the set keep coming in big group. Today looks so much better than yesterday, so that mean is a swell coming.
The wind was deforming the waves, but this surfers were finding good spot for smash the waves. Check this sequence.
This surfer put the board a little vertical in the wave. Some of the waves in this part of the beach finish like that, so this is a good way to end the wave.
BBBBBaaaaannnnngggggg!!!!!. I do sometimes cuts like this one and probably you too. So, you probably know the good feeling of this tricks give to you.
The offshore wind was making open the right. Check this turquoise wave rolling empty.
The sets are coming constantly and really pretty. The waves are soft, the take off look easy, so you only need to do, is be fun.
This is what Scott is doing. He get that wave and check what he made.
He get a tiny cover for the wave and after he saw that nice ramp and look to snap the wave. Check it out.
He normally is riding a FireWire surfboard, but now look like he is riding a Hypto Krypto. He is surfing better so probably he will love this board.
Scott is a big tiger from Cali and he is tall, so catch the wave and move on that in that small board not is easy. Well he ripping today.
In the end of that wave he was flying out the wave. This is a version of a air. He probably could landing the air, but the wind take his board.
Here is Nachito getting a shack in this wave. He and Scott were some of the best surfer in the water today.
Some big pangas were out there running the left. Remember yesterday this wave having so good left. Today everything exchange. The rights were the calls.
Here is Nacho ripping in this right. The wind is strong in the out side of the beach and the inside have a nice glassing sometimes.
Hey girls we have good news for your. Check the new swimsuits we have from Billabong. We sold the pieces for separate, so you can come and mix the top and bottom and made a nice collection. Come to the surf shop and check it out.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The wind was slightly lighter than yesterday and the size pushed back up a bit too.
Good afternoon and welcome to the Sunday NSR surf report. The waves were running knee to waist high with an occasional chest high set. The wind was a little strong at times and the surface conditions were semi glassy. There were still plenty of fun waves to be had. Check it out!!