Here is Juan Springfield surfing this spot in the morning. He and Michael have a complot to go left and right every wave. This little peak work the 367 days in the year.

Here is Michael in his favorite trick. The name of the trick it is the guillotine. He like to feel the lip of the wave on his head.

There are three peaks working again. Here is the south peak rolling empty.

Some of the sets were breaking close to the beach. The ocean looks calm right now, but the waves don’t stop to come to the beach.

This surfer doesn’t think the wave go to have barrel. Ho man!!!! this wave have a little of fire.

This break have a bunch of waves working good for this kind of trick. Here is Josh getting the momentum to hit that lip of the wave.

Here he is finish the trick. He was the ripper of the beach today.

Round house and cuts back was the combos of Josh today. He is surfing everyday in a beachbreak start to be at homebreak.

After Juan and Michael get out the water because the water was cold. Shara found this peak empty and she scored a nice wave.

Yeeeeeaaappppp!!!!!.Shara….. That wave look like the left of Jaws heeeeee!!!!!!.

And here is Mr. Snyder’s riding this right with a lazy style. He surf the waves with a lot of confident, he ride so many waves. He probably like to see the highway of every wave he ride.

Ahhhhuuuuuuaaaa Josh. How many waves are you taking everyday?

The fishing season is on!!!!. Some fishermen are getting some of the biggest fish already. The next two month will be a lot of fish and sardines super close to the beach. Bring a spinning fishing pole and get some of them. Only if you go to eat or if is for fun, give to a local.

And here is again Michael( The little sardine ). He spend the same time of the fish in the water every day.

There is a new popies in the zone. Nacho is training the new dog of Mark and David. His name is ( CPF ).

OK. Amigos. The last days between the four and six during the sunset. The wind calm down and the waves are good. If we don’t surf we probably go to fishing. So see you there. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hello good afternoon. This is the Saturday surf report. The wind no have any intention to calm down and the waves are fighting vrs. the wind to come close to the beach. Some sets come every ten minutes, nothing amazing, but watch and think if you like this kind of waves.