The waves come with long wall, some waves were closing, but the most wave were rolling perfect. With good speed and friendly power.

This right have tubes. I was there and was super fun. The waves looks like gonna close, but there are a channel making the wave slow down the speed.

I don’t know why the surfer are taking the waves super long from the peak. The waves were made able from the peak.

This left have two surfers there. Here is a surfer taking the corner and getting speed for a trick.

The wind is soft in the morning. The waves are breaking close to the beach and here is a surfer getting a shack. He doesn’t come out, but was deep for a while.

After to see a lot of this right working with this shape i was ready to get my waves. The takeoff was super easy and were easy to read.

Check this wave. All the sets were like this one. Super clean. Not kidding.

And the sets rolling to the left were like this one. We not have big waves, but we were just a couple people in the water and we were sharing waves. We were celebrate the wipeout and the good turns. Was a really fun morning session.

This left was working constantly for a while. The waves are small, but have enough force for the surfer can made a turns.

Ok. Mis amigos. We are waithing a new swell starting tomorrow. So what that mean?. That mean we keep surfing everyday. Have a great afternoon and see you tomorrow. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. Yuji hard carried the report again. The wind was relatively calm and favorable, so that was nice. Surfline was wrong about the size again though. Smaller than called for.

Hey party people!!! Good afternoon and welcome back. Today Armando and I woke up early to see what mother nature had in store for us in the wave department. We were stoked when we walked up and saw this set coming through. It was running waist to head high with light winds and great form.