Some of the locals come out to surf really late, but they were ripping. Oscar was making all kinda of tricks today.
Andy is the little brother of Kevin Cortes. Kevin is good surfer and looks like these guys have talent to surf in the blood. Here is almost landing a air.
Some rights were rolling good and empty. The high tide is in the afternoon and there are a lot of waves like this one. We start having a little backwash, so be careful when you surf.
We have waves coming constantly, so we not need to wait to long for a sets. Here is Oscar follow a wave until the short break, he made four good turns in this wave.
The lefts waves have long lines, but are breaking quickly. Here is a longboarder trying to made that wave from the very inside.
Here is the most make able left do I see today. The surfer is Josh Springfield getting out of that perfect left.
The right from the north in the beach was smaller, but check how was open. This right was breaking with less consistent, but when work was super playful.
Here is a picture of one of the visitor having fun. Today the waves are not to big so are more for tricks. Check how they ripping.
Juaaaacatttaaaa. This small waves have speed, so this surfers were going fast. This kinda of waves are making our sunday super fun for the end of the day.
I see a lot of cuts going on all over the beach. The line up wasn’t to crowd because is sunday and probably a lot people were out last night.
Hello and Happy 1st Sunday of the New Year. The swell is still providing. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.
Buenas tardes todos!!! Welcome back for another addition of the NSR surf report. Today the waves were super fun and we wanted to surf a couple of different spots. We will start out right here out back for a couple and then move to the second location. It’s running knee to shoulder high with an..