I got down there pretty early this AM, but it wasn’t looking all too incredible from afar.

But then I got down to the beach and looked up to see these coming through!!!

Josh was on it early, even though he had a late one at the poker table last night. He must have done well, cuase he’s got a full house here.

It was also great to see Jackson out so early too! He was all fired up.

Lesther shaved his hair, but he’s still got a lot of air (game that is).

Turbo was the only festive surfer to come wearing part costume – Vendetta style! Let’s see how long that mask lasts out there Hermano!! (haha)

Jamie was at it early too, here she’s still sleepy, I think, taking off really late and on top of the wave. Bonus points for going for it tho!

Oscar came out too, to get some candy, it was like Halloween came a little early today.

Oscar’s brother, Lesther, I think prefers the barrel more than anything else at this wave. But, maybe he was trying to stay cool, since it was so bloody hot, even at 7:30am.

Mycol saw Lesther’s barrel and wanted to show the big dogs how much he’s improving on his barrel skills.

Big John Gillem (who surfs pretty religiously ever early am) was out there as well… sniffing around for some barrels too!

Jaison is an up and coming local grom here, like Maycol (they’re actually really good friends). They’re both improving by leaps and bounds every single day with their surfing.

Hopefully they’ll be doing BIG turns like their guru and long time legendary surfer Jackson Obando. Although I say long time & he’s barely just 20, which IS young, but in Nica Surfing years, it’s like being 30! Jackson has been surfing pretty much his entire life.

A mystery surfer (unknown) get’s super shacked. Happy Halloween in Nica, friend!

I noticed Josh has been working on his air game a little more. Keep over that stringer and get that rotation a little further and you’re golden buddy!

Meanwhile his barrel game is on point!!

Another unknown trick or treating the hell out of this wave!

Hmmm…. any guesses who this mystery surfer is???

He must have borrowed that Vendetta mask from Turbo. I think the Scream mask would be more fitting on this wave!

So – for all of you local peeps, here are a few things going on around town today and tonight. Here is a fun little “Trick or Treat” map put on by some of the really great parents here who wanted for their little ones to have a fun little candy run. Here are the details is you have little people and would like to join in. Happy Halloween!! ~ Event Reminder ! See Map Below ! • 2pm meet at the Golf condos – we will divide into small groups , with a golf cart in tow for tired wee tots. • Following the map to stop at what ever Trick o Treat home is on the Map. { the Lollipops are the Treat houses on the Map, Lot number is marked too}JackandPatty Seei need your Lot number please ! • Goal is to make your way to the Orange GHOST homes by the time on the map for a game/ event . E.g. 1st house is Casa Calala Pete Kersons at 2:45pm for a Monster Mash Dance Off!! • Continue on route , to 2nd Ghost home whilst stopping at Lollipop Treat houses on the way .. Lindsey Sherman Morrillo need your Lot number please ! until your back at the Golf Condos by 4:30pm. • when here we have more Halloween fun and are also celebrating Horus’s 1St birthday with Birthday cake and a piñata Nam Miojo Rengue Kyo and a shared POT LUCK meal … everyone please bring a plate, drinks  ( Golf cart and Decoration crew meet at 1pm to get our creative flair firing    ) Thank you everyone for making this all come together as a glorious Festive community ! Look forward to Seeing you all in your scariest coolest creative threads !!!               

Once that sun hits the horizon line on the ocean a little bit later and you’re looking for a GREAT Halloween themed dinner, cruise on over to Casa Anan’s tonight for this amazing looking menu they’re specially preparing for tonights festivities!

Aaaaand for all you serious Halloween party goers, there will be this just in time after you have a delectable dinner. Be sure and make your way to Mag Rock in time to see my good friend and spin wizard DJ Mauricio. He goes on around 11pm, which means the party will be banging all night!!!

Speaking of Mauricio… looks like he’s bout to get the spin cycle on this gnarly one. The mask… the mask…. Don’t lose the MASK!!!!

Haha, he knew exactly what to do! Taking one for the team to save the Vendetta mask!

Such a FUN morning out there!!

PK looking serious and coming off the bottom real HOT!

Straight into this nicely formed round-house cutback. Nice style Peter! Loose and limber flow, hands all nice & relaxed n’ calm. Sick wave amigo!

Jackie, Cat and Joel (from CA) making their way to the beach after seeing some inspiring candy corn nuggets a few minutes earlier. I think Cat see’s something..??

Ohhh, ya that’s just Jackson…

…. doing his 18th air of the morning. Killing it buddy!!

Are U fired up yet??? The day is still young. Get out there before you have to go get all dressed up with your favorite costume and meet all the Ghouls & Goblins tonight!

Just another GREAT day in Nica-Land Paradise!!! If you do have plans to party this evening, enjoy yourselves, ride share or take a taxi and most of all, please be safe!! We want to see ya back here for more treats mañana!!! Happy Halloween amigos ~ Dale Pues!

M’Adam`esmerelda made it out for the evening session. Stoked I was able to get one of the party goers before the sun fell into the ocean. Have fun night tonight party people!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello every body!!!!. The people to live here orifice a surf Halloween party. We have good waves, good vivre a lot of fun. Check it out and laugh for a few minutes.