The waves were good hee at Santana, around chest to shoulder height and breaking with a great shape.

A bunch of people showed up in the morning, even other photographers came to capture the great conditions and the great surfing.

There were plenty of waves to share everywhere at Santana.

First peak is starting to come alive, and Dayton came all the way from Guasacate to check it out.

Of course, when good conditions appear at Santana Lenin is one of the first ones to show up at the beach.

Another visitor that came to check out Santana was Hot Carl, the waves were so good here that he decided to leave Hacienda Iguana for a few hours.

Hot Carl brought his friend Kippa, which had a blast at first peak.

Carl was trying really hard to get barreled like his friend but he only got a back rub on this one.

But that didn’t stop Hot Carl and his smooth style to enjoy the rest of the wave with a nice cutback.

Everyone was having a great time today, getting barreled or just doing some sick turns off the lip of the waves.

Nesmer Silva was really excited to have the good waves back at Santana. Follow him on Instagram @nesmer_silva

Can you tell Nesmer was having a great time today?

Kippa showing off his ability to find shade at Santana.

Hot Carl finally got his desired barrel after a lot of tries. Nicely done buddy!

Not a bad morning at Santana, right?

We are going to keep our fingers cross for more waves for tomorrow, see you tomorrow with more surfing from Nicaragua!

Hey amigos! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Spot X. The swell didn’t fill in as much as forecasted, but there were still some keepers to be had throughout the day.

Hola amigos & amigas from across the globe! Welcome to the Super Full Moon party surf report. Today we had some waves at our infamous beachie and it wasn’t super big like the Luna, but it was super fun! Lets go check it out.