Waves are back in the smaller range, BUT the winds have come down considerably. Looks like mother nature is doing her thing just fine.

Uh Ohhhhh…. what happens when a gringo and a local have a disagreement and end up exchanging words on the beach???

Jajajaja – J/k, not gonna happen here! This is just Maycol seeing one of his best amigos back in town. Nothing but love!

The schralping that was going down today was on fire!

Power and flow with a sprinkle of style and grace, always a good recipe for smooth & tasteful surfing.

Waves were small, but people were handling the small surf epically.

Small waves and an even smaller mini grom, dude that wave is almost head high!

Nica style jet ski assist.

Koji giving some spraying lessons.

Oh ya, did I mention something about feeling the love today?

Other than seeing this kid ripping, I notice one important factor in this image…. how many noticed the lack of whitecaps out the back??

The perfect board for the day.

Yuji is looking more and more lethal on his backhand!

Émilien Fleury has been here, absolutely killing it on his LB out front. Let’s see what we can get tomorrow, should the conditions improve even more.

Finishing a wave is always better with an exclamation PO!NT!

Hey Leah… ya chica! Come on girl crack that lip!!!

There were actually quite a few chica rippers out there this evening.

The hombres had a lot to compete with, so it was a pretty even tie out there I’d have to say.

Maycol always working on his everything game.

How do you like your LB 12 o’clock sandwich… only it’s about 5PM here.

Mucho gente no doubt.

I gotta give the parting sequence to the homie, Mathew Blevins.

He waited patiently for a while way out the back for this dusk nugget.

Definitely the wave of the day!

Alright my weekend warriors. That’s a wrap for my Saturday surf report. As always, thanks for stopping by. Come on back mañana for my Sunday Funday festivities… lets see what we can score to close off the weekend shall we. Saludos ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hello Monday, The swell continues into today with some cleaner conditions. There were some long waits, but for the few patient people in the water there was some glory to be had. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Good afternoon and Happy Sunday. We saw a nice jump in swell today from yesterday. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell definitely began to fill in today. The main challenge was the wind and extreme tides. This morning the tide was low, and the swell was just starting to fill in, but the wind was favorable which was good.

Hola! Welcome to the Friday surf report. We had a little dip in swell, but the fun factor is always up here in southern Nicaragua. Keep scrolling to see why.