It was a lovely day because I had breakfast with my family, visited clients, check on a few houses, had lunch with my family, took photos for the report, visited more clients, played with my kids before dinner, bathe them, put them to bed and now I’m drinking Hierba Mate while writing the report.
Maybe my day doesn’t seem too lovely, but it makes me realize how thankful I am for everything I have… a house (I rent but I’ll own a house one day), a beautiful family, a job, a job where I want to live, a job that gives me enough time to be with my family.
Everyone should be able to look back and say “That’s a nice Monday”… and then try to keep that image in your head, for when you get a shitty Monday, it will remind you of all the things that you are thankful for.
Maybe the memory of that nice Monday will look back at you and make your day all better… or maybe not because you miss the oportunity for being shy.
We should pay more attention to the first Monday of every year, celebrate it with arms wide open, it might help us to glide through the turbulence of our future Mondays.
There is always a chance of getting really shitty Mondays once in a while every year, so you have to be prepare, be ready to hold your breath, go to your happy Monday and enjoy the ride.
If you learn that, you will be able to enjoy every Monday no matter the conditions.
Maybe the sun will come out and will fill your Monday with light, even if it is for just a moment.
And during the time the sun is out, you will appreciate all the beautiful things that surround us, and realize that every Monday is just another day, a beautiful day like all of them. Happy Monday everyone!
Howdy everyone! Welcome to Thursday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves surprised to the upside today. It was slightly larger than I was expecting, and there were hour plus long windows where the wind dropped out.