My good friend Derek is in town and he’s been scoring at the reef just about every day. Like here.

Here’s a closer look. Super fun… or as they would say in Nicaragua…. Muy divertido!

Mr. Hayden was the only other surfer out, sharing the waves with Derek.

At least by my watch, I think they shared waves back and forth for about 2 hours before anyone else even showed up.

A bit windy out there, but when you have the entire lineup (which is pretty big) to yourselves, I’d say you had better brought your paddling game on a day like today.

This was the 3rd and only other guy who made it out within my 2-3 hour window of shooting.

I’m not sure who he is, but looks like he’s got a pretty good set wave to deal with on his paddle back out to the lineup.

I was trying to get out of the sun after the first hour or so (because it was pretty roasting out there), so I headed up to the newly developed Costa Mar Condos. Luckily I had come around the corner of the building just in time to see my buddy Derek getting shacked on this wave. Sick one D-man!

How’s that straightened out twin fin stylish bottom turn, eh???

And an equally sick cutty right after by Derek on his custom shaped Folwer surfboard. You should check out his boards… they’re a work of art!

Meanwhile, Hayden was over painting on his own canvas on the lefts.

Back and forth all morning. I felt like I was watching a ping pong match! haha

If I would have known it was just going to be pretty much them two out there, maybe it would have been fun to have a little “mini comp” between the two of em!

Ok, here’s one last 3 shot sequence to help finish off your Sunday Funday. “The paddle as hard as you can into the offshores take off”

Set up for the ride and cruise just like this!!!!

Then tear it down the line and wait for the end corner section and let errrrr Rip!!!!!

Ya amigos…. that was a fun session!!!

Did you like todays session? If so, maybe think about heading down as the surf season is right upon us. It’s probably gonna be empty. So think of all of those unridden waves. Or look at all of them on here…. but I know what you’d like more! Hope to be able to see you down here. Saludos from Nica-Land ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very clean this morning, but nobody wanted to surf at low-tide. There were still a few good corners scattered across all of Pangas’ peaks.

Happy Friday Ya’ll! I’ve got some GREAT NEWS for you… It’s not only the start to a fantastic weekend, but your favorite wave woke up and showed it’s first signs of real life today. So get on in here and check out the goods already!