Of course the the higher tide helped and the later in the day, the more the swell seemed to come in, so it was definitely a late afternoon session planned day.

Gotta get the clips when the waves are producing the goods! Always!!!

Chris back in town and back in action from where he left off from the last time he was here. But you’ll notice the spring suit. I told you it was chili with all that upwelling.

I don’t think there’s ever a bad moment when you’re paddling back out and seeing someone carving up a wave like this, that is unless you’re just a little but jealous wishing that was you on that wave. But trust me when I say, there were plenty of waves to go around for all 12-15 people out in the lineup. It was super consistent.

Due to the lighting, I couldn’t quite tell who this lone female ripper was…

But she was turning heads out there, including mine!

Matter a fact, there were a few gals out there and showing up some of the guys with their skills out there with a little extra juice than we’ve been getting the last couple of weeks.

BIG Bear-Dog back and feeling right at home ( his second home away from home in SD, that is).

He’s gonna be here for a little while, so be prepared to see him in some big gaping barrels, soon… ONCE THEY COME!!!!! Yewwwww buddy, so good to see you back down brother!!!!

Nica Gold and not a sunset that goes undocumented here, unless maybe if it’s raining, But today was about as beautiful as it gets; which is pretty much over 300 days of the year! Cheers mis amigos ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to Friday’s surf report from Panga Drops. Yuji hard carried the report again. The wind was relatively calm and favorable, so that was nice. Surfline was wrong about the size again though. Smaller than called for.

Good Afternoon and welcome to the Saturday Surf report, we are in-between swells today and should see some more size in the next few days. That being said we still have some fun waves coming thru if you’re willing to wait a bit between sets.