I actually went out at almost dead low tide, which is actually been the worst times for surf lately. But surprisingly, I caught a handful of surfers who showed up on a panga so I decided to catch them in on some of the action.

Not too bad for low tide and still some pretty decent size left over from yesterdays swell.

It was a group of about maybe 3 girls and 3 or 4 guys. I think they motored over from Gigante, but either way, they found the gem of the spot to surf today for sure!

Lots of consistency and a lot of sneaker outside sets!

Check out that chunky bowl on the far left on that right. How’d you like to be pulling into that thing?!?!!

Not too much walled up sets, most of them were pretty peaky and had some nice corners to paddle and take off on.

I can’t believe it’s already past mid March and before we know it, it will be April. I have a pretty good feeling about this seasons waves! Just a slight hunch.

It was actually pretty rippable out there on the drained out low tide, so maybe tomorrow might be worth checking it around the same time again.

How sick is this huge off the top wrap!!!!

Everyone out (despite how freaking hot it was) was having a super fun time caching tons of waves all to themselves.

Some were ripping super hard and others, like this elegant lady was styling with some graceful cross stepping her way up the board, putting on a little show for he due on the inside.

If you had to sum up these folks Friday surf session here at Panga Drops, this would be the best photo!

And just like that, they were off and heading back for probably some cold Toñas or refreshing rehydrating power smoothies, of course to get ready for the arvo session around sunset time! Have a GREAT Friday night everyone and be safe….. see ya again mañana ~

Hello Monday, The swell continues into today with some cleaner conditions. There were some long waits, but for the few patient people in the water there was some glory to be had. @tonyzphotos reporting.

Good afternoon and Happy Sunday. We saw a nice jump in swell today from yesterday. @tonyzphotos bringing you todays action.

Hi everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The swell definitely began to fill in today. The main challenge was the wind and extreme tides. This morning the tide was low, and the swell was just starting to fill in, but the wind was favorable which was good.

In these times of crisis we need to come together (figuratively) and take care of one another. We will continue to do our part by bringing you a healthy distraction from the daily news with some nice pics from Nica.