Dropping in (literally) to todays report, I’m gonna go out on a super high optimistic affirmative and say today was the Kevin Cortez show!
Hows this for kicking off the report with Kev’s (partial) sequence on this Puerto Escondido meets Backdoor looking bomb!
You know you’re feeling’ pretty comfy at your home break when you don’t even crouch and for added display of pizazz, you raise your arm tall and tickle the beast’s belly; all while looking smooth as eggs!
Spat right out and a grin from ear to ear that never leaves a happy surfers face their entire surfing life, especially when you bag waves like this on the reg!
The swell dipped a little from yesterday, so it was nice to see some (actually quite a few) ladies out there sharing the super fun, nice & clean conditional waves we had for today.
Jenny is Kevin big sister. They grew up right here along this part of the coast, so it’s no wonder why they’re so in tune with this special place.
Erin on, I think was her 4th or maybe 5th turn and last crack on this wave she took all the way from the outside. This is competition straight up (literally) surfing on all levels and believe me when I say her rail game is wicked, but her barrel game is getting more and more lethal each and every surf trip. . . . so watch out pro circuit peeps!
And then there’s Elise, from France. If you’re not Buzzy, Muzzy, Big Bear-Dog or JG (who get barreled on the norm at Colorados on Logs, then that’s saying a lot.
Wanna get away????
I was absolutely blown away when my buddy Joel told me how he’d just got back into surfing and how long he was out of the game. DUDE, doesn’t look like you missed a beat. Like riding a bicycle right??? lol
Mi amigo Dayton came down from Popoyo, which means one of two things. Either it was too crowded there, or he heard through the coconut wireless about how pumping it’s been here and wanted to come get super shacked, since this wave is well known for delivering the latter.
JG – I mentioned earlier in the small but gnar gnar group of guys who love to charge this place as big as it can throw at them. But they all do it on longboards. How they do it without ripping their arms off will always be a mystery, but I am pretty sure it comes from with a combined well over 200 years of experience between the 4 of them.
Pili’s (where I shot this from) is a healthy joint, but Derek was really thirsty and had this super weird craving for a Root Beer Float (something I’ve never ever seen down here in Nicaragua). Well, looks like your dream drink came true today buddy!
I could have easily made a One Hundred mystery barrel surfer report today, just that, nothing else….. EASILY!!!
Instead I opted for the standard mix up of different things, although today was predominately mostly all barrels. Here’s one last little sequence to fill your brim with barrel goodness. (wait for the last shot… I don’t know who this kid is, but he definitely knows how to surf barrels AND very well!)
One of the many shots after his first pump and ready for the long ride under that infamous curtain at Playa Colorados.
I’d say 3/4 of the wave looked like this. Like nobody was even surfing it.
I had to skip ahead a lot of pics of just the nose of his board peeking in and out from the falling lip just ahead of him. But when you talk about doggy door’ing a wave, this one was probably the most impressive today. Sick one brother!
Jenny with a typically nice warm Nica smile and a big heartfelt Aloha from all of us here to YOU, our number one fans! ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots
Hey everyone! Welcome to Tuesday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were really fun this morning. This week should be the best we’ve had in some time.
Welcome to your Tuesday surf report! Swell’s gone down considerably. But like all things in life, it’s even good to take things in moderation, even with surfing. Good to give the body a little rest and prepare for what mother ocean is preparing and cooking up for us next… which is soon!