Speaking of elite, he’s not on any gigantic mural size window pain shops along Huntington Beaches metropolis surf mecca’s lines and rows of surf shops, however, he is an icon here and he just killed it at the last local contest placing 2nd with high performance surfing like this! Yeaaaah Oscar, way to represent your local surf spot as well as your country so proudly!

The Beach Club making way for 2023. I think it’s going to be a stellar season! Watcha got or thoughts???

It wasn’t big today by any means, but make no doubt (much like this guy had now doubts about coming out of this cover up).

Talk about being innovative! When the barrels are perfectly shaped, but you wanna get the full cover up, you just adjust your height. Wallah, getting super shacked on a 3 foot day!!!

There were a few nice head high runners that didn’t need any adjusting (your height for), but man – O – man! I cannot wait til it’s ON!!!!!

And neither can anyone else. Jeison “Garson” aka 2 Chain, serving up some fine aerial comida para el desayuno de esta mañana!!

Check out how glassy, and perfect this waist high wave is. . . . and check that picture perfect ramp section he’s aiming for, right before that kid blew it right off the top!

Carlos de Colorados will have his son out here very soon. . .

. . . and this will make him the second generation surfer of Carlos’s family, and quite the bloodline of surfing genes that will run in that familia for a long, long time to come!

Well there you have it. . . the very first mystery barrel surfer for 2023!

It’s March 15 and check out the forecast for rain that’s supposed to be hitting here right about midnight tonight. Howler monkeys are gonna be STOKED!!!!!!

Da Kru! All hermanos pictured, living about 20 clicks back into the jungle right off the beach here. Stoked to be back home from the contest way up north and getting ready for more comps, getting back to their incredible dedication of work and first of any kind of lifeguarding patrol to ever grace this beach (not to mention how many lives rescued and drownings they’re already helped prevent). If and whenever you come down, give these guys a proper nod or throw a shaka, as they’re undeniably some of the best, yet most humble surfers spanning the entire coast of this beautiful country has. Deacachimba ~Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all theDaily Surf Shotsfrom each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories hereNSRor my photography hereNica Surf Shots

Hey everyone! Welcome to Saturday’s surf report from Panga Drops. The waves were very clean this morning, but nobody wanted to surf at low-tide. There were still a few good corners scattered across all of Pangas’ peaks.

Welcome back to another day of fun waves! Wow, and my hopes and wishes sure came true for todays report. This morning’s waves were crispy clean with nice offshores and beautifully tapering waves, and the right size for some playful barrels too! Check it out!

Welcome to the Monday surf report chicos! It’s a new week and a new swell is gracing out lineups… so you’re in for a nice little treat of photo goodness for todays happenings. Enjoy ~

Hola amigos!! Brian here logging on for the Sunday Funday surf report. We had some super fun (and a little chili) waves out there today with only a couple of people out sharing waves for a few hours while I logged in some good shutter clicks. Take a look by clicking that “read more” button!