Let’s get straight into the meat of today’s action. Dario somehow generating enough pop on his longboard to get airborne.
Dario got the wave of the day. This right was probably close to 30 seconds long, possibly even a bit longer.
Dario eyeing up the high-line across the face. Going fast and high at Pangas is part of the fun of riding longboards.
A quick speed wipe setting up for yet another turn.
Dario finally found a section soft enough for him to completely rotate through a turn. I like how he always flashes the camera with a “Number 1” sign from his back hand.
I think Dario is already training for next year’s Chompipe contest… I better start practicing too!
This has all been one wave. And to seal the 10 point ride Dario even managed to sneak into a little barrel.
I spoke too soon! His 10 pointer broke the scales! A lip-line chopper for extra gravy points.
I can see the Costa Mar peak starting to form. Maybe it will work at high tide during the next swell.
Low, toes, twist! The real question is whether it closed out or if Dario caught some more air at the lip.
Dario looks like he’s working on his barrel riding technique here. Pressure on the back foot and engaging his trailing hand.
Lucy making a cameo to close out today’s surf action. It’s good she paddled out there to keep Dario honest!
Villas Iguanas close-out barrels anyone? Maybe on a boogie board haha. Tomorrow’s forecast is looking pretty fun as well. So if you’ve been liking the trend of “higher for longer” than stop back in!
Hey amigos! Josh back behind the lens for next set of days. Monday’s surf report is coming your way from Panga Drops, specifically “French Fries”. The swell was close to non-existent, but Pangas did its magic and magnified the lackluster size into something playful and shreddable.
Hello hello how is everyone doing today cause i am doing amazing had a great time taking these photos today and the waves did pick up a little in size and it looked like a great time to be in the water. Say hi to Lucas everyone!
Hola amigos! Happy Wednesday or better known as “Happy Hump Day”! Well it’s almost that time… that time being to get ready for the festivities to begin. Funny thing, around these parts, is we tend to start a little early!
Happy Twenty Tuesday! That’s right folks, this months flying right on by. Hope you have your Holiday festivities in order, just went to the market recently (here’ the biggest city with stores is out 35-40 min away) and it reminded me of how crazy it always was back in the EEUU. Of course it’s a..