Nicaragua Surf Report for Sunday, January 01, 2023

Brian Scott

Happy New Year to all of YOU, our awesomely dedicated NSR surf report fans! Another year down in the books and as I write this, I create the new templates, folders, and everything that gets done and prepared when another new year kicks off and there’s a fresh new season ahead of us. I hope you all had a safe and memorable New Years Eve last night!!! Today we woke to some sunny skies, but with it came some grey & scattered light rain showers sporadically through out the day. However the waves were super glassy with very light offshores and super playful fun (for those who didn’t have “goma” or wasn’t too hung over today from last nights festivities), waves to start off the new year to paddle out in today. Check it out….. and here’s to hopefully a GREAT 2023 of waves!!!!

Brian Scott

Isabel not wasting any time with any new year resolutions and getting out there the first day of the year and putting in already her daily water time. Nice one hermana!

Brian Scott

There were actually a ton of people out (surprisingly)!?!

Brian Scott

But the perfectly tapered peaks at the reef today were soooo dreamy and perfect for anyone of any skillset.

Brian Scott

There were even some attempted barrels to be taken out there . . haaaaa even on a longboard!

Brian Scott

Looking back down towards PC and there were some waves and a hand full of people out down that way. Seeing waves in Jan at the beachie could be a good sign. Normally and historically it should be a complete lake by the time of year.

Brian Scott

Our December swell rolled right over into Jan without any signs of flat spells or anything.

Brian Scott

Which for us is super GREAT!!!

Brian Scott

Good things to look forward to on the horizon as we kick off the new season with fun waves and people out ripping!

Brian Scott

Uhhh ohhhh, looks like maybe another little rain coming our way. Time to pack it up, but I think you guys got to see the just of todays very first day of waves for 2023.

Brian Scott

Here’s to a great day and to an even better year. . . Let’s do this!!!! Yewwww ~

Remember, even if you didn’t make the highlights you can always look at the link here for all the Daily Surf Shots from each day, there might be a good chance you’re in there!

AND don’t forget to follow us and always check out our current happenings on our daily Instagram stories here NSR or my photography here Nica Surf Shots 
