The low tide keep having some waves overhead. The wind probably don’t will stop for the rest of this month, so this is part of the normal weather right now.

The right have walls in the most of the waves. Not there are too many mushy waves today.

Here is the ripper of the beach today. He have aussie blood, so the surf fluid in his body.

Is Gavin Potter with the inconfundible back side cut. Check it out.

Bang!!!!. This was a perfect turn in the lip of the wave bro!!!!. Gavin always put good energy in his turn.

Some waves have tubes. There are people in the water trying to make one. The lip of the wave play with the vision of the surfer. The wave looks like go to close but is open all the way to the beach.

A lot of waves were breaking with not rider on. There were a lot of this type of waves in this peak.

The Spirit of Mokul was anchored in the line up and some sets were showing how big the waves are coming. All the surfers were paddling out after see this.

This is one of the waves cleaning the line up. We will have another increasing swell in the next days, around the eighth of January coming from 200*. Is from the same direction of this one, so probably the waves keep fun.

Aura was taking one of the peak working in the shore break and check her surf session. This is her first wave.

This is her second wave. She made the drop and get a little speed.

The surfer making the duck dive was in her way for the late back, but she give time to him for get away.

Hooo! he just did the imertion and she hit the perfect spot of this wave. Good surf style Aurita.

Bangggg!. Every year Aura is sufer soo much better. She probably is one of the best surfer female of the zone.

There are a few new surfer coming today. This small plane is coming from Costa Rica and others places. Made sure you can find a fly ticket for come one day to Nicaragua.

Have a good weekend. The waves are good all day. Every afternoon we have a beautiful sunset, so come to the beach club and watching with us. Armando Lopez is out.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi and welcome to your Saturday surf report. This is Lucha Libre Garcia with a quick update for today’s show. The waves were running still pretty small but we are paddling out every single day. Check it out!!!