Only a few people out taking advantage of the calm conditions, and swimming in the shorebreak. The water had a beautiful color to it today, almost looks like a swimming pool.

Perfect day to take a stroll along the beach and dip in the water.

Definitely some fun peaks coming in down the beach with no one around if you still haven’t got in the water. Looks good enough for me.

A couple families hanging out front with the kids, charging on the boogies.

Goeorge was hiding out in the lineup all by himself and with the wave of the day.

Dropping in and setting up on a speedy little right.

Hold on to your hat George, that wind is gonna blow you right off your board!

I think he’s going for the “dead cockroach” style. Well at least you were out there by yourself catching all the waves.

Empty waves waiting for the picking. That’s it for today folks. Look for a little bump over the weekend so keep an eye on the water. Hasta manana amigos!

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

What’s it up party people? The waves were still kinda small today, the winds were howling offshore and the water a little chilly. Check it out!

What’s up folks? This is Roberto Lucha Libre Garcia bringing you the Tuesday surf report. It looks like this year is going to give us lot of waves because the year just started and we are already scoring many sick waves. Yes friends, a sick swell just hit Nicaragua and we are more than happy..

What’s up fellas? We are the NSR Family bringing you all the action for this Monday surf report. The waves were small making it hard for shortboarders but it was perfect for longboarders. It was running about knee to waist high on sets with super nice offshore winds. Check out the lineup!!!