Today my good friend Oliver “El Monito” Solis gave another surf lesson and as always also took the opportunity to get some waves himself.

On this wave Oliver showed his student how to get down the line. What he did not say to the student is everything hes know he learned from me.

After a few days of visiting Nicaragua and surf a lot of places in the aria with Oliver Solis, our friend Mr Darren from New York has to say goodbye and till next time. But for sure he is very happy, this was his last wave and here is this photo proof. NSR and his friend Armando Lopez say ADIOS AMIGO.

Some girls were also part of the action today. She looking good on this little left.

In fact there were very many pretty girls on the beach and in the waves.

After a heavy crash in the last swell, My friend Lenin came back in the water and performed this lay back, it shows that what is learned is never forgotten.

Here is again coming out of the really small tube.

Even the kids had fun today, here is the future Shane Dorian, I like the colors on his surfboard. Only thing missing is Monster sticker.

The 2014 season is starting and now you can see the good surfers start coming.

Mr. MIke always surprises me how easy execute the maneuver air 360 even in waves 2 feet high.

Here he go.


After a long, hot day work my friend Seth had a small break and went surfing for a little while. It was worth it, don’t you think?

The tours of Nicaragua crossed here and look at the bike, I think they are well equipped with everything they need. A bag with food, water and bicycle accessory one Machete.

I had problems when my two girlfriends were found in the beach, they had a dispute for me, at the end I told her, I will to continue with both and be friends again.

Mr. Snyder premiere his new surfboard and it seems that this year will reached the million waves, because only this day I seem takes 100 waves in two hours.

At the end of day we gather to make a toast, the reason was the conclusion of a year of working together as family.

The wine is called Sangre De Toro, but Simon did not believe it.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hey everyone, Brian here, bringing the report to you this Friday afternoon. Well there’s not much happening on the beach here today as far as surfing goes. The waves were only coming in about knee to waist high out front and maybe a hair bigger down the beach, but hardly anyone out in the water..

What’s it up party people? The waves were still kinda small today, the winds were howling offshore and the water a little chilly. Check it out!

What’s up folks? This is Roberto Lucha Libre Garcia bringing you the Tuesday surf report. It looks like this year is going to give us lot of waves because the year just started and we are already scoring many sick waves. Yes friends, a sick swell just hit Nicaragua and we are more than happy..