Today is small. Tomorrow will be small. But Friday will be fun! A fresh longer period pulse should be knocking on our doorstep Thursday night/Friday morning.

Mike Doan and I have been surfing and enjoying empty nugs. Yes it’s tinys, but when you’re with your friends, you still have fun.

Mr. Doan making Iguana great again one top turn at a time!! I can always count on him to paddle out for a quick wave.

The reef was showing some potential. Everybody was crowding around those cruisers.

Alright, the surf is nothing special so let’s show you folks the two grocery store options inside the development. First up: Cesar’s pulperia!

You probably already know that the development has a fruit and veggy truck that comes three times per week. If you miss it or don’t want to wait around for it, Cesar has you covered. Cesar, how about whipping up a nice banana, papaya, and passion fruit smoothie bro???

Obviously, we never want you to get sick- especially on vacation. When the inevitable happens, hit up his shop because he is stocked with American medicines.

The nice thing about Cesar’s shop is the hours. He usually opens around 9am and closes at 4pm (sunset surf or volleyball session). Then he reopens around 6:30pm to 9:30. Cesar know what’s up: he put the bottle of Jack front and center for the camera.

Need to take care of your Mom or girlfriend before your trip ends? You could get the special ladies a couple pieces of pottery. Or peanut butter might do the trick???

Cesar asked me to take one more photo and feature it. I told him to put everything on two shelves that I normally buy (and he succeeded). Cesar always has plenty of goodies that are tough to find so check him out next time you’re here!

Walking 20 meters north, the brand new Rios Market is open! The developer’s family opened up a small convenience store to service guests. Check out their shots too!

Today is Wednesday, which means yesterday was Tuesday, which means the Dos Pinos truck dropped off their weekly delivery. I haven’t seen the number since last year, but I believe I am their number one ice cream customer (Trits and Sundae). How can you not enjoy one when they cost $1?!?!

Their store is growing everyday and featuring more and more products. Their business model is to sell more volume for a reasonable price. As a result, their selves are changing everyday.

They have some magic elixers too… They are open 7:30am to 5pm everyday (but closed Sunday) so grab your goods for a pina colada.

Samir, the shop manager, asked me how I grew to be so tall. I told him to chug three liters of chocolate milk every morning. Considering that costs 50 Cords per liter (so about 5 bucks for all three), that’s doable!

Ok damas and caballeros, I hope you liked the change up and showing you around the convenience stores. Hit up Downtown Iguana for a couple shops, bars, restaurants, and more. We’ll show you some more shots tomorrow so stay tuned! Gracias por mirar a nuestro reporte!!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody. Welcome to the first monday of this year. The size of the waves drop a little today. The offshore wind is softer too. The high tide is a little mellow. Normally the low tide is working good the last days.