Who better to be out in the water and at our beloved beach break than Carlos Caliente!

Here’s Hot Carl racing down the line with a fresh new stick, gunning for something with a lot of speed….

Feels weird since I haven’t shot here at this break for about a month now, but ironically, it would normally be longer. Carl bout to crack something…..

BAMMMMM – and just like that, he’s throwing down some crazy buckets showing exactly how explosive he wants his New Year to be!!

Good to see PC’s back to how we like to see her. Although this is only the first little hiccup of swell, it’s not a bad sign for being January.

Jenny and Yves from Switzerland are super stoked to be here in January. If not for the sunny warm weather alone. I’m sure the sand in their toes helped seal the deal.

The kids have definitely been working on their “non-barrel” game up the way at the reef

Where it offers up much more practice for turns and crazy maneuvers like this one, Michael is pulling off.

Ahhhhhh, this view never gets old.

If i didn’t have that beautiful wave in the background, and only the wave in the foreground, I could easily say it was less than waist high today; but thankfully for this nice little early Jan swell, you can see it was much better than that.

One of my all time favorite things to see, in life.

Ok, make that two favorite things to see.

Overhead but not quite dredging, but I did see some pretty heavy rights coming in, right (literally) at this same exact spot today.

The lefts were firing a bit more I’d say, thanks to the steep angle of this south swell.

The sands also pretty flat since there hasn’t been much swell down this way for a little while, so the waves were pretty racy.

Which meant that not everything was makable, but it for sure felt good, I’m sure for people like Carl to get the ol’ heart going once again.

Much like Carl, John G’s heart needs a lot to get it racing. (They like the big stuff) but today definitely reminded them of why they chose to call this place home.

Others find different reasons to call this place home, or even just a beautiful destination that landed them here after hearing what beautiful and romanic beaches we have.

Armando throwing his SHAKA way over the horizon line! Super stoked to be back at PC’s!

The texture on this wave looks crazy! It went from pretty windy to semi glassy, and this wave was a result of the weird offset. John doesn’t care, he’s just stoked to be surfing almost perfect waves today with only a handful of people out.

Same wave, down the line. That beautiful camouflage textured wave suddenly turned into survival mode looking mini mutant. Something John’s pretty accustomed to here.

The reef up the road looking pretty serene and quite inviting. Would you look at that huge bowl!!

Colin taking off deep and setting up for a great New year.

Oh and might I add, bagging his first shack of 2019. Sick one buddy!!!

If a photo could talk, would that be, “Ya, amigo… I’ll take one more cold one!”

Or maybe he was saying…. wait, look at this set coming in. Check it out!

OK, I’ll give you correct answer, since it was probably killing you. It was both. I’ll take one more cold one, but hey check out this set… I can’t believe it’s still firing. Ahhhhh what a good day it was! Let’s hope we have the same fun waves or maybe even a little better tomorrow. Thanks for popping by! Saludos ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everyone, this is Baldo bringing you another great surf report from Santana beach. The waves are small, the offshore decent, and the water a little bit chill.