Mi amigos and happy surfer friends heading to the waves for some surf and possibly a little more? (keep reading and I’ll show you want I mean).

I haven’t seen or linked up with Nando for a while now, so it was great to see him out surfing again!

And by the the looks of it, we must have just been missing each other for days on end, because his surfing was looking pretty on fire today, which means he’s been out there surfing……. Somewhere???

That’s a pretty good carve right there….. not as Giant, as in, like Giant’s foot in the background, but not too shabby for a 2-3 foot wave Mr. Mystery man!

That’s Jason, he was walking on the beach earlier with his lady friend. Remember I was saying something about catching some fun waves and possible something more? Well….. let’s see if you can guess what that thing is he’s got tucked into the back of his board shorts?

If you guessed a traditional Nica style hand line fishing paddle, you would be correct. Here’s a beautiful rooster he caught in-between sets (which is pretty impressive) not only because he was surfing with his hand line tucked in his shorts, while ripping, but managing to catch such a rad fish while doing two of the most popular activities from the Costa Rican border all the way up to Honduras. (That’s the other amigo Maycol, who politely paddled in Jason’s epic catch of the day, I am guessing so he could maybe get in on some of that for dinner too!

Actually today was a really great day for fishing which was also why I gave todays Monday surfing rating a 5. Daaaaang check out that guys bundle of hand line caught fiesta of a meal for possibly his whole village.

Maycol ripping it up out there as well!

He didn’t have a hand line on him while he was out there, like Jason did, but I can bet you he’d have some freshies of his own if he had a paddle with some fishing line. Anyone know or wanna gift a hand line to Maycol??? he’s a super great kid and owning a hand line can literally feed him for days on end while the fishing is good like it is right now.

Surfing, fishing, ripping and blowing your fins out…..

Ok, I’m just gonna have to up and change my rating to a 7 just because!!!! jaja

Warm January breeze flowing through the air, while the salty refreshingly cool but just right temperature seawater for a little dip makes for the perfect ending to a great day….. wouldn’t you say??? Chao 4 now ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all are having a great first weekend of the decade, resting and ejoying some NFL Saturday football.