As always young Rex was killing it. Check him out with a nice f,,,,,g air.

Here is Ashley going big with a short but sweet spray. Keep working sweety.

TODAY’S SPANISH CLASS: Esta chica ya esta tomada, con todas esa botellas bacias parece como que ha estado tomando durante una semana. This chick is drunk, with all those empties bottles It looks like she has been drinking during a week.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

We don’t want to call it “dead flat”, but it’s close. We are definitely more productive when it’s flat. We are in the process of adding some content to NSR so be sure to check out the new “Videos” and “Information” sections. At least the wind is offshore and the water is clear. Looks like..