Did we say that we had tons of people out there? Check out this little wave getting killed with 5 surfers on it. Come on guys, i know that we don’t have many waves but we have to share.

No worried about water temperture Roque “Balboa” Calderon was surfing as one of his best day at Maderas on the little waves. Here he is smacking the lip with so much power.

But now the juniors can make that kind of move too. Check out Larry “Carita de Venado” with a cool radical maneuver, same as Balboa. Did you see him Miami Boy?

Did i mention that is was raining a little bit last night? That is so strange on this month but we have to deal with it. Here is “Don Bigote” trying to teach the BIGSHOW how to surf because now we have good waves condition for learning.

Everybody said that the water was even colder than yesterday. Here is this shot to proof it.

Rex “La Bestia” Calderon made it out for a few minutes, just to get a shot for today’s surf report. Here he is getting his first wave with no shirt on.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

This is Lucha here with the report and the spanish class for today. It’s chest high on sets and the wind is strong offshore. The crowd showed out to the beach and we don’t have many waves to share, that’s not a good new. Check it out.

We don’t want to call it “dead flat”, but it’s close. We are definitely more productive when it’s flat. We are in the process of adding some content to NSR so be sure to check out the new “Videos” and “Information” sections. At least the wind is offshore and the water is clear. Looks like..