NSR was able to get a lot of help for this event and would like to thank the following volunteers: Juan Busto, Luis Chamorro, D-Lite, Hace Queso, Pancho Sanchez and Miguel Mora. Here’s a shot of the beach instruction where we explained what the leash was for, which foot to put forward and how not to hit each-other. Surprisingly, you could tell right from the beginning that these were all good kids – excited, full of energy and very polite.

The amazing part of it all was how good these kids were. It was their very first time ever on a surfboard and every single one of them stood up. This is Cecilla – she can’t swim but she sure stood up on a surfboard. Way to go Cecilla!

The waves were perfect for this today – very small. This is actually one of the biggest waves of the day. Saul was one of the best students we had today – he paddled for and caught this wave on his own. The other kids said he’s also the best soccer player at the orphanage.

Whenever we work with the local kids we use the opportunity to learn a new Spanish word or two. In return, we teach them a couple of things in English. We try to make it applicable to something so that they will remember it. Presenting the word of today: “Wipeout!”

I think the best thing about working with these kids was seeing how happy they were to be surfing. We spent about 2 hours in the water and it was smiles and laughs the whole time. Check this guy out – surfing in jeans and stoked!

Whenever you put kids on a surfboard you never know what you are going to get. This is Fara, showing off her “drop-knee” style.

At the end of the session, we decided to have some fun and teach them a few tricks. Here are a couple of kids executing perfect “coffins”.

That’s all for today! We’d like to send a big shout-out to all the kids and to all the people who helped make this happen today – Especially Joan Dukovic and Chris and Sue Crane who organized everything. NSR is glad to help out. Hit us up next time and we’ll do it again!Looks like small waves until this Friday or Saturday when we should get a nice little bump in the swell. Check back with us!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hi folks, we are Jairo “Come Pan Panic” Ramos and Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia bringing you the action for the Monday surf report. Today Lucha got back to work, after a week off he was getting tired to be just chilling out. So we headed out to Playa Maderas and took a few locals to..

We’ve got Roberto “Lucha Libre” Garcia out with the camera reporting from out here at Maderas again. It’s smaller than yesterday but there are some nice sets coming in, today we have a tons of people out there and the locals keep riding on shortboard. It’s chest high on sets and the wind is strong..