This is how look some of are beach during the high tide. The grown are taking the beaches for learned. There are around ten kids in this beach conforming the new generation of surfer, probably only two of them will be surfing in the next ten year.

When the ocean is calm is a good time for fishing from the rocks. This natural harbor have a lot of good fish really close. Sometimes this fishermen catch Red Snapper of fifty pounds.

I found this two kids and I asked. Why are you don’t surfing now. And they say, Is because is to tiny and we are pro surfers. Hahahahaha, they think big heeee!!…

I move to other place to see how are the waves on the reef. In the way to there I see the first production of salt of this year. Ready for export.

One of the good things about this spot is the entrance. It’s colorful and clean. Here we had the ISA World Games the last year.

The waves are tiny here too. Only five people in the alienation. The waves were breaking close to the beach, so we can call mushy waves.

Haaa!!!. Check this is why the main peak is empty. The sand bank in front the river mouth put a lot of sand on this reef and all this people found a wave there.

The reef just have a person there. But this reef is really shallow, so the surfer there was trying to catch the wave from the shoulder.

Just a local was ripping in this waves. Here is the only trick of today.

Bannnnggg!!!!. He put good energy in the turn. A lot of people take a day of of surf today. We have a new swell coming soon, so is time to do some thing more without surf.

Here is the big set. The wave break far from the big group and the other group not was ready to catch the wave. This is a really critical day in our surf Nation. We are passing for the smaller day I ever see in our beach.

Well. Because we know how surf we are suffering, but all this people probably is passing a great time.

The main peak have one descend wave in a while. The surfers here today not are to experimented, so this season probably is good for beginners and long boards.

The traffic in this zone always is funny. Some of this cow were giving problems to the driver of this big machine. And almost break one of my mirror.

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello friends, welcome to the monday surf report. Amazing full moon last night and one of the most strong windy days in this year, the waves are fighting to come to break. It is lot smoke in the air so maybe one of the most beautiful red sunset in this afternoon. Check it out.