Guess what?!? There is a touch more swell in the water! It is not consistent or pumping, but chest to shoulder high waves are rolling through.

The waves are better but the crowds are still pretty light. A couple people were surfing but the development is emptying out! Welcome to the offseason in NICA Land.

The rights were working well. The line comes in, hits the submerged boulders, and peel down the way.

Double or nothing right?? Sets were inconsistent though. I saw three decent sets in the hour I was out there.

But a small long period swell should be arriving this evening/tomorrow morning. We’ll see what happens but the waves should be a touch bigger.

Mid to higher tides have been the call lately. At high, there is backwash but the peaks are big, mushy, and fun!

Ok, one more installment of fun change ups on this week’s report! About two weeks ago, my friend and I went to the volcano at Masaya. Yes, it was sick so keep scrolling down!!

Being from Virginia, live flowing lava that is burped out is a completely foreign idea to me. But it’s a foreign idea that I think I can get used to…

Please excuse the selfie but at least we refrained from using a selfie stick. If you’re in the area, definitely talk to us about making a day trip here. There is good hiking, swimming, islands to tour, and artisan markets to see. Take a break from the small surf, hang with the family, and go experience something completely new!

Night is the preferred time to come because the colors illuminate the sky! However, make sure we make reservations. This attraction is awesome so it can get busy!

We had an epic time at the Masaya volcano. As soon as we got home, I received a text from the security guards about turtle eggs hatching. Just when we thought we were going to bed, we hoped on my moto to check out what was going on at the beach.

Ok, they’re pretty cute! About 80 of these guys hatched and made their sprint for the ocean. As the day is wrapping up, we are going to make our sprint to the beach for a sunset surf and drink. Maybe see you out there??? Hasta manana amigos!!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello everybody. The waves are small, so is a calm day. Is sunny day, so is hot too. Some drinks and a little of surf in the afternoon are good. Check it out.