It is still rideable on the shortboard. Don’t you believe me? Check out this unknown rider.

Lots of beginners has been showing to the beach, trying to get some surf. But no many were successful. Hijjaaaaa!!!

Everyone was having a great time out there. Time to go artistic!!!

A few chicks were out, doing their thing. Buena muchachotaa!

Just chilling through sunset. What a great day we had today.

You could go for a wild ride at sunset!!!!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hola amigos, hi and welcome to your daily surf report. The waves were fun today, running about chest to shoulder high on the bigger sets, winds were nice offshore and the water a little chilly. Check out the lineup!

Hey everyone, Brian here, bringing the report to you this Sunday afternoon. Another fun day of surf, with waves coming in at waist to shoulder high and some head high sets occasionally rolling through. The conditions were nice with steady offshore winds and sunny skies, with peaks coming in everywhere! Check it out!

We would like to say thank you to all our viewers and past guests for helping us give back to the locals here in Nicaragua. In 2010, we collected nearly 1,000 clothing items for the community of La Chureca and we came close to matching that number last year in school supply donations for the..