Grant has been loving this spot ever since the beachie went into hibernation. So much that he didn’t even bother surfing PC’s on that last nice little swell we got a couple days ago. Said he’s got his groove on here at the drops. Looks like he’s right!

I mean, could or would you pass this up?

Colin’s been eyeballing my original 1970’s single fin from the miracle 7 mile North Shore of Hawaii Pipe board for a while now. He got one tube already at Colorados, and now he’s just playing around with the buttery rails up here at the reef.

Here he’s playing with the lip on a pretty mint condition, almost 50 year old surfboard that used to be ridden at Pipeline. Next stop Outer Reef (possibly this season) stay tuned!!!

Oscar, riding a retro Mark Richards, stylishly emulating the very surfer the board was named after.

Looks like this board also favors the tubos!

Mike Doan was going absolutely bananas out there today!!! Must of been all that hard work he put in earlier at all the local communities delivering goodies to all the good boys and girls!

Time for your daily dose of some Ally-Oop.

If the super mega windy late take off’s didn’t get you, the monster high tide backwash was sure to gobble you up!

Outside sets, outside are where you think you’re sitting deep, when you always find out there’s always another set that’s a little further outside…. EVERYTIME! Here the boys just stare and prepare to duck and cover.

Looks like the band “Cinco Chicas y sólo uno hombre” is back together! Kiki even brought her Mexican shakers for the new tour. EYEYEYEEYYEYE!!!!

Meanwhile, Jenny here plays tag with a gnar gnar inside closeout section that most boys wouldn’t even think of paddling into. VE YENNY!!!!!

Señor Doan, still out there ripping all over the place like the freaking man-grom he his. Killing it buddy!

Once that high tide hit dead high, it seems all but one solo surfer left the lineup. Antonella with the entire playing field to herself.

I watched her wait so patiently, but like some kind of weird wave machine, the high tide turned all the waves that were firing so consistently, almost completely off. Still not a bad wave to come in on. (*editor note – I came back around sunset time and the tide was going back out and the waves picked up again. Almost even better than before) The moral of the story – keep a close eye on the tides and you’re probably gonna score!

Jenny post surf stoke pose! Thanks for coming by. Also for those who came out at sunset time, I wanted to give a huge Mahalo to Dai-isis 8th birthday today!Feliz cumpleaños pequeña ~

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.