We also had some great waves in general down here at Pangas and since there was only a dozen of people plenty of waves to share.

Like I said we had some great surfers out there and they were shredding on these waves. Soon i am going to learn to do turns like that

Another one of his great waves of today another great right!

Okay okay last one of Findley but you can’t blame me for putting so many of this guy he is just fun to watch like his father. They are just both great a getting air and landing them.

This is something i have to no be scared of like if I were to do that i would be scared to fall but why i am going to fall on water either way lol 🙂

A great turn from Asher there!
Let’s go Asher Let’s go

Another one !

Alright everyone it was a great day today to be out at Pangas very fun but now its time for me to go play some beach volleyball down at the beach club if you guys want we are there mostly everyday so come say hi and don’t be shy we don’t bite haha.
Never forget have a great day and spread the love a joy !! 🙂

Hello Tuesday and thanks for tuning back in for daily surf report. We had a slightly smaller but still a lot of fun surf today. @tonyzphotos bringing you the goods.

Welcome to the windy day Thursday surf report damas y caballeros! Check out them whitecaps out the back. There were some fun waves coming in, but those white caps also mean one other thing… get ready for some chillier water temps. But don’t worry, I’d be willing to bet majority of the people (ie. you)..