Before we jump into the “small surf report”, I wanted to showcase a little photo montage I did a little while back when the NSR shop was recently renovated and stocked full of new clothing, board shorts, surfboards and any kind of accessory you can think of. Swing on by if you’re in the neighborhood and check it out!

And now for the beach access!

Like I said, it’s small, but the stoke level is always way up! Like this rad little fin free boost Kevin Cortes is about to release on this helpless little 1 footer.

This perspective really shows how far you can ride all the way into the beach. This guy’s actually further in than the guy standing out on that sand bar in the background.

I turned around just in time to see this…

This my friends, is a feeding frenzy of a really big school of fish (practically right on the shore) and you know happens when this happens??

That’s right, the locals come flying out of the jungle with their hand-line spools, ready to catch these little suckers!

Ok, maybe not so little. Those are some pretty good sized fish these hombres are going to be dining on for cena tonight. Mmmm – fish, it’s what’s for dinner!

Speaking of Cena (dinner) here’s the weeks list of what’s on the menu at Casa Anana’s Mon-Sun (closed Thurs). Be sure to stop by for any of the flavorfully rich themed food nights. They’re all amazing!

Back to strolling the beach with a brew in hand, your niño and his trusty dog. That right there is quality fam time!

So, yes it’s small right nowl, but just magine for a moment being the size of a mouse and riding this Left and Right merging into one another. looks like a micro version of Tahiti’s “Teahupo’o” and “The right” in Western Australia! haha

Anyhow, back to reality. I bet Kevin will be super psyched when this new swell arrives in about a week.

Now I know why Roger wears that helmet… well I can completely relate since I always wear one when I’m shooting water, even on the smallest of days. You just never know when someone’s board will go flying out of control. Ain’t that right Roger-Doger? Nice maneuvering there with the dodge and weave, amigo!

If people are still out there short boarding on waves this size, then I think it’s safe to say, it hasn’t gone completely flat (yet).

Then again. This is what that might look like.

That is until a somewhat of a good set just happens to roll in.

Luisk Ca getting happy with his bottom turn on this sizable wave for today. That’s why this spot is always good this time of year. Always some fun waves!

L-Doggy on a similarly nice right. It was like a little skatepark out there as the tide was coming back up.

When all else fails just grab the ol’ softy top!

You can never go wrong on one of those with these kinds of days.

Or grab a hand plane. Tell me that doesn’t look like a fun little wedgy bodysurfing wave right there!?!?

Okie dokie folks! Its time to pack it up and call it a good day. Hope you all have a great week ahead and you don’t work too hard. Check in tomorrow to see how things have been going over at Jiqiliqe with Baldo’s report mañana! Hasta luego! ~

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Hello NSR family and happy weekend!! This is Parker logging in to show you guys our morning shots. Click “read more” and see what he have!