Meet James from Georgia. He’s been coming down here for a few years and he checks our report everyday. Thank you bro- we really appreciate that!! If you check our report everyday, we want you to let us know so we can get you on it!

Well, the morning was pretty slow. Nobody was out except for the ladies of Iguana. Patty, Laura, and her friend walk almost every morning. How can you not enjoy a one mile stretch of pristine beach???

So what did I do? I went for a surf to find long lines of rippable walls. I came back an hour and half later with the camera to shoot fun mid tide waves. Clase derecha!!!

I woke up around 6:30 but grabbed the camera around 8:15. By then, more amigos showed up to enjoy the Sunday morning. There was a little friendly competition between El Mulo and El Buchon.

And then Manbun Mulo showed off a sick floater. Lately, he’s been learning how to crack lips, get head dips, and entertain the chicks.

Yeah buddy! You’ve been surfing really well lately bro!! Let’s go surf later this afternoon.

El Buchon might have gotten the last laugh though. What do you think?

I always showed empty photos of this section because not many people figure out all its nuances. Buchon has it under control though.

It isn’t a perfect wave, but a barrel can make any wave perfect. Sick wave Buchon!!

Step in and grab one. You might have to wait a few minutes or dodge some closeouts, but if you’re on your toes, a couple gems will squeak through.

Or stick to the inside mushy section. Carve up the faces and give the body boarders some love.

Carlitos got stoked and said “I’m gonna go grab my board!!! Vamos a surfear!!!”

Mr. Vanas took out his brand new longboard for a test spin. This is the perfect wave for it so let’s see what he’s got…

Ryan, can you shape me a longboard that I can dig the rails like that???

But also show off some style walking up her? If so, I’ll order five boards (and five tacos for lunch later).

These are the mornings we love: fun waves, low expectations, and surfing with your homies. On top of that, nobody is out, the wind was glassy, and the water is blue.

Speaking of friends, there was a wild Josh LePell sighting this morning! Him and his family recently returned from a quick get away to Panama City. Now, he gets to slip out for a quick surf.

Ok guys and gals, hobble down to the beach and see if there’s a bump for the dropping tide. If not, let’s go watch some football, eat some pizza and wings, and drink some beers at Eloys later tonight. Thanks for tuning in for today’s shots and have a good start of the week amigos! Hotsticks is out.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hello and welcome everybody. The waves increase a little today. The swell is not big and the waves are coming in group of four waves a little constantly. The offshore wind was good. Check it out.