This is a really good example photo of how the reef works and will be like this pretty much from now til the next couple or few months.

Here’s Cara taking off on a nice peak right.

She got pretty far on it, but then it closed out unfortunately. But she rode that thing well!

Tati up next…… and not only is she about to nab a really nice looking wave, but today is her Birthday as well!

Feliz cumpleaños chica!!!

Dario sadly, well, maybe not sadly, but he was the only hombre out there. Being out numbered 3 to 1 girl to guy ratio. But he was certainly giving the gals a clinic, but its second nature to him since he gives lessons with surfing, skateboarding and kiteboarding, among many other talented things he does around here.

Peeking down towards Denver’s states namesake surf break, it looked like it was serving up some Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets down there!

I still think “The Drops” was better IMHO!

The sand’s a little funky right now so the inside rocks are super exposed and the outside set area (according to Dario who took a couple nice deep breath dives down said he couldn’t find any rocks or reef way out on the outside) which means it’s all covered with sand right now. So give it month or so and that will all change and this place will continue to just get better & better!

Sofie who just came back down after a bit of time away is back and riding her tabla like a bicycle. You never forget how to ride it!

Just you and your friends enjoying a midday surf all alone.

I was actually pretty surprised to see only four people out. This gives anyone who’s surfing any lineup pretty much all the paddle and takeoff room you want. AND there were peaks ‘a plenty out there today!

Also give you a lot of wave time and wave count as well. Dario again here practicing some of his signature moves!

Sofie on a white and aqua blue frothy one. Nice waves today eh Sofie?

The reason it was looking so frothy was because they were all pretty much sitting pretty far on the inside catching the inside section waves.

You just have to be super mindful of those rocks I was telling you about. Such a sick turn D-man!!!!

BUT see what happens when you eat it on some of the rocks and they rip your shorts right off….!?!?!!?! Jajajajajaja Dario trying to sneak off without me getting him in his “Birthday suit” even though it’s Tati’s Birthday today! LOL!!!!

4 of you and your best amigos sharing waves back and forth with waves like this. Totally uncrowded and un molested by a bunch of other frothing surfers. Not a bad B-day Present I would say Miss Tati!!!!!! 😉

Well there go…. Surfline’s official 2 feet with my live real version of Pangas at 2 feet. Gotta love 2 feet here in Nica-Land!

Hey everyone! Welcome to an action packed Saturday surf report. Pangas was on fire this morning and so were the surfers!

Happy hump day folks! We had some XS surf out there, but with it came with some nice clean conditions and hardly a single person out the entire day.