I was suprised to see a few nuggets like this coming in with no surfers in sight. Yours for the taking if you can battle the winds.

Looks like a scene from the movie “Endless Summer II” when Wingnut and Pat come over the sandy dunes in South Africa and find a deserted beach with no surfers in sight.

Just one of those down days here in Nicaragua. This is when you recharge and relax until the next swell arrives and looks like this weekend we could see a little bump.

Amidst all of the white capped waves out to sea, I saw a little flash of color and for a minute looked like a surfer that was blown out to sea. I took a second look and turned out to be Pancho Sanchez and Codo, trying to battle their way back to the beach after spearfishing.

Codo made it in first and timed it right before this set came through. Gotta be careful out there on days like this or before you know it you’ll be in the Galapagos Islands.

Codo all smiles after finally reaching dry land.

Pancho Sanchez with the catch of the day! Looks like someone is having fish tacos for dinner! Sweet catch guys!

One last peeler of the day to leave ya hanging with.

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hey folks, this is Lucha Libre Garcia reporting from up north. Today we checked out a couple spots and this is what we found. Nice chest to shoulder high waves on sets, with quite strong offshore winds and the water was nice. Check it out!!!

The surf was kinda fun this morning and not many people was out. There were only about 10 or 12 guys out having a blast out there and sharing the waves. It was running about waist to chest high on sets with nice offshore winds and the water was chilly. Check it out!!!

Hi folks, this is Miguel bringing you all the action for this Monday surf report. Today we went to the beach in the morning with a couple friends, trying to catch some waves and a few shots. The waves were running about waist to chest high on sets with strong offshore winds and the water..