If you are planning a trip down we can hook you up. No worries, just relax and have fun. Check out our deal for you on herehttp://www.nicaraguasurfreport.com/housesview.php?id_house=53&id_secc=46

Elias was the only soul out today. Nobody else wanted to take the challenge!

This guy tried to get some waves but it was hard on his short-board. You can see the whitecaps in the far end of the ocean.

No waves, no worries. There is always something else to do, enjoying of a nice reading!

We checked out the waves at horse shoes but the winds were also killing it. This would a great day for kite-boarding, don’t you think?

Hello and Happy Sunday to all our viewers. @tonyzphotos back on the report after snowbirding in Panama. We have some sunshine and fun surf in the water today. Dive in for a look.

Hey everyone, Brian here, with your windy, Thursday surf report. I’m sure if you’re here in Nicaragua right now, you’ve already talked to five different people today talking about how windy it is. As far as the surf goes, still on the smaller side, knee to waist high with some occasional plus peaks coming through..